Tuesday, January 28, 2014

RUDE things people say to a mother of six

2bemom-Me it means to excuse rude comments -

As a mother of 6 , I   have heard it all - Below  are some of the comments and my responses  in my mind. :0

10 Things you should never say to a women who just gave birth to her sixth child.

1. WOW! you look so tired. Are you getting any sleep? 
( I have a newborn. Sleep what is that?) 
2. You look Great !  (I know I look horrible next topic of the day Please!
3.You should open a day care with all the children you have. 
( Just what i need more children in my home. music to my ears )
4. How many kids do you have ? Are you going to have more ? With a look on their face that says please don't continue to overpopulate the earth single-handedly. ( Is no the correct answer
5. You must be so  busy -  (of course not would you like me to help you to your car  ) 
6. Your house smell like baby. (Guess i should bottle it up and sell it on eBay
7. I don't know how you do it..... I would be pulling out my hair 
( Oh ! you thought  this was my hair this is a wig. I'm bold underneath) 
8. Can i have the little one ? ( Yes, but she is a two for one you get the teenager for free
9. You look so much better now that you have given birth to THAT baby. ( yes well ,I look horrible during all my pregnancies ) 
10. You are going to be raising kids for the rest of  your life. ( i never thought of it that way -Thanks for the reminder)  

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Question to my Readers ?

Have you ever been mistaken as your husband/spouses Mother ?

( please don't tell me i'm the only one!) 

If so how did you react?

My story. 

I 'd taken the kids into the dentist for their 6month cleaning. I thought it would be a good idea to take all 4 kids in together on trip. As usual i checked all the kids in. Filled out all the paper work while my husband sat down with the kids and played the video game console in the waiting room for  patients. I got kid 1,2,3 seen and was on my way to getting kid number 4 in the chair for her cleaning. When one of the dental assistant  stop me with a pleasant voice and said" Mrs Walker you aren't going to get your teenagers teeth cleaned today? " I looked at her with fire in my eyes and said he's not my son he's my husband. I felt like the oldest lady in the world! Not to mention my kids laughed in the car the whole way home about how i was mistaken as their dads mother YUCK! 

Reheat Kids !

I have nights that i call - GO FOR WHAT YOU KNOW!

When my kids ask me whats for dinner ? I reply with the phrase GOFORWHATYOUKNOW!

My kids know exactly  what that means. The phrase means go in the freezer and cook what ever you know how to cook.
noodle it
hot dog it
frozen pizza in the microwave it
corn dog it
nuggets it
burrito it
bagel pizza

What ever it is you can prepare you prepare it. Preparing their own dinner once a week helps strengthen their confidence  develop independence. It also allows for mom to catch up on episode of Scandal with out interruption. Its amazing how children talk to one another when they complain about mom not cooking.

It about creating sibling bonding moments my friends.   :0