Thursday, February 13, 2014

My Medal Please for 126 months of my life devoted to my children.

9 months of pregnancy X 6 kids = 54 months of my life. I have been pregnant for 54 months of life ! What! My medal Please!

Not including breast feeding 6 kids X 12 months = 72 months

Lets do the math below :

72 months of nursing + 54 months of pregnancy = 126 months of my life.

Can we have an Olympics for moms ?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Mom-me the Fixer

I am a Mom-me Fixer. Which means: MOM+ME=Fixer of everything

I love the television show Scandal. I sat down over the weekend to watch some reruns. The thought came to my mind, that as a mom I have the same job as Olivia Pope. Minus the wardrobe and fresh hair style.

I receive no compensation for my services. The clients (my children) have never ending problems such as:

A science fair project that needs an hypothesis, Barbie’s missing shoe, Batteries for the remote, Conference calls and apologizes for my son for  hitting the teacher in the Bum with a small eraser. (He was aiming for the kid next to her). I fix clogged sinks and toilets, Hungry tummies, wardrobe malfunction, and Missing Lego man heads. I even take the blame for late school arrivals.
The list could continue on for days, weeks even months.

 The end result is that as a mom-me fixer, i wear many hats.  Sometimes I Cry, sometimes I laugh and sometimes I hide out in the bathroom.

But being mom -ME is my job and I love it!

Hopefully, I will receive some compensation when they move out. Wishful thinking I know -

In the mean time I will settle for unlimited HUGS.